Sunday, 19 June 2016

This week

Watching: Mythbusters, season one and enjoying every recycled minute of it

Reading: I finished 'dit kan niet waar zijn' van Joris Luyendijck en just started reading Dolores Claiborne by Stephen King. It has a grip on me!

Listening: The Fall of Hearts by Katatonia

Making: A big scarf/shawl for cold nights in Norway

Eating: Cake, boterkoek and an awful lot of strawberries, apricots and wild peaches. Oh June, how I love you.

Wearing: Flip-Flops inside, raincoat outside

Weather: Miserable. Rain, rain and more rain. And when it's not raining it's bleak and depressing outside. Today was the only slighty ok day but when I approached my picknick table the weather went to shit again...

Feeling: Well, sort of meh. The weather sucks big time, the husband has an annoying cold so we both don't sleep very well, it seems the virus has descended upon my own weak freaking system so I'm next and the end of the schoolyear depresses the fuck out of me. So much stupid stuff to do, so litte time. 

Thinking: I need to switch careers badly. 
And I need to find an allotment where there aren't 60 gazillion trees and an equal amount of hungry snails and slugs. This week was the end of the vegetable patch in my garden. I cried when I saw 4 missing basil plants, one eaten tomato plant, 17 dead stalks where I planted 18 beans, no more broad beans and so on. One night I removed 680 grams of slugs. I am done. They have won. Three years of working my butt of (with pleasure, but still) and crying over no plants left in June. I am done!

Enjoying: Presents! For It's my birthday tomorrow. And going with my brother-in law and 2 nieces to the dolfinarium. The faces of the little ones when they saw jumping dolphins made my whole freaking week!